Thursday, May 20, 2010

What is something to use to keep dogs from peeing in my flower bed?

I have a flower bed around my mailbox and people seem to walk their dogs and allow them to pee amoungest other thing in my flower bed. I am planning on planting some flowers this spring is there anything that i can use/plant that will deter the animals from using my flower bed as a toilet??? thanks

What is something to use to keep dogs from peeing in my flower bed?
Since it not the animals fault, but rather their rude owner, I'd post a sign requesting they take their "business" elsewhere.
Reply:a BIG bloody stick
Reply:plant roses or thorny plants, spread soap shavings around it should help.
Reply:Is it even your property? Is your mailbox on the bit of grass between the sidewalk and the road? If it is, it may be public property. If so, don't stress over a strip of land that is publicly owned. Plant your flowers on your property and worry about that.

I had a woman freak out on me because my dog, who is on Lawn Guard and cannot burn plants, scream at me because my dog peed on a tree on public property. She was way out of order and acted so crazy I reported it to the police. She also left broken glass on her sidewalk for four months until I picked it up so really, how much did she really care.
Reply:this is a never ending cycle. one dog pees. Another dog smells it and he also leaves his calling card. on and on.

It like a doggie telegraph.

Sprinkle black pepper when everything is dry. When they sniff a snootful of pepper they remember it like nothing else. You will have to do it over and over for a while so all the dogs get a dose.

Also post a little sign stating that the area has been treated for pests. maybe the owners will also hopefully cooperate.
Reply:If there is a space prior to the flowers, lay chicken wire on the ground in front of the flowers. Animals don't like walking on it to get to the flower bed. Otherwise, pepper, moth balls, pee add from a predator, etc.. has to be reapplied and reapplied. Otherwise, you are talking fence which takes away from the beauty you are trying to display. Small fences that can be stepped over, don't discourage larger dogs.

We even had an owner allowing his dog (on a leash) come up the walk onto the yard to do its business AND left it. Several other people watched %26amp; allowed their dogs to step over small fences and landscaping timbers to do their business in flower beds. We added a 2' fence near the sidewalk, chain link around yard, and chicken wire in front of garden %26amp; flower beds on the yard. Finally, peace.

internet explorer 7

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