Thursday, May 20, 2010

How do i prepare a flower bed?

I don't have a clue how to prepare a flower bed. this is the first time i'm doing this sort of thing and i need some help! Thanks in advance.

How do i prepare a flower bed?
I get gardening info and updates from the following link (see below). Just look under "gardening" - - they have everything I've ever needed to know! Hope this helps.
Reply:Once you have decided where the flower bed will go, you need to dig it up, at least six inches deep. Depending on the flowers you choose, you may have to go deeper.

Then buy, several bags of compost, and mix that in with the turned over soil. The amount of compost you need, depends on the size of your flower bed. But you can't use too much compost material.

Then depending on your local soil, you may have to add nutrients to the soil, something like MiracleGro.

You can also visit, several websites, like MiracleGro for tips. If you can, check your neighbors yards, see what grows well in their yards. Ask them the name of anything you see, that catches your eye.

There are a ton of gardening books available for purchase or at your Library.

I'm sure you will enjoy gardening. But remember it's best to make a plan first, of what you want to achieve.

Any visit to a nursery, will just confuse you with all they have to offer. You will buy too much, and it may not work with your yard.
Reply:What type of flowers? %26gt;_%26gt;
Reply:I always turn the soil, get rid of some of it and replace it with some good top soil. I am in southeastern Louisiana and the soil turns to clay less than a foot below the top layer, so I like to dig it up and replace it with good soil.

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