Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I get rid of chipmunks in my flower beds?

Put moth balls around the outside of the flower bed. It is supposed to keep them away.

How can I get rid of chipmunks in my flower beds?
This really works... this method is EXTREMELY effective.

1. Get a 5 gallon bucket. Fill the bucket 1/2 way with water.

2. Get sunflower seeds. Cover the water with a handfull or so of seeds. (they float)

3. Get a plank... 2x4 will work fine. Setup the plank so it makes a ramp from the ground to the top. Place a few seeds at the top of the plank.

They cant swim. Expect to get 5 or more chipmunks per day.

Poor little guys.

As I said, this is extremely effective, and not too terribly cruel.
Reply:get a trap and then release them out in the wiled
Reply:I did a little checking and you can buy a product called Shake Away. It is suppose to be natural and you're going to love what the main ingredient is, predator urine from the Coyote, Fox or Bobcat. That is from their website and I don't want to know how they got it. Anyway that sounds like it might work. Good Luck!
Reply:If I remember correctly from the cartoons they are very fond of music. Play them some music and they will go away and preform a concert for their owner, Dave. Their names are Alvin, Simon and Theodore, so maybe try asking politely for them to leave first.

Or your could try fox urine sprinkled around the garden, I have heard that if you go to a beautician's shop you can get some human hair and sprinkle that around your garden, sometimes that also works warding off unwanted guests. Bonemeal around the garden works too I have heard. Good Luck.
Reply:rat pellets
Reply:rat poison, but be careful if u have other pets, they might get ahold of it
Reply:I adopted a cat in april and he is a catcher. sits outside and catches everyone of them. problem is i hate to see they die that way and my neighbors watching me chase him all over to get it from him. my friend uses a cage like trap then takes them out side of the town and lets them go.
Reply:my grandpa shoots em and i throw them in the woods
Reply:Sounds like you have a serious problem. Is there a nut tree over your flower bed?

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