Monday, May 11, 2009

How do I stop my neighbours cats from messing in my flower beds.?

I also have a cat so I can't use any of those cat repellents that you can buy.

How do I stop my neighbours cats from messing in my flower beds.?
Put orange peels around the edges of it.

Edit: Cats don't like the smell of it. And they don't want to get that smell on themselves, so they avoid it. Place it so that the inner skin is facing upwards to release the greater amount of the smell into the air. Lemon and lime peels work, too. Grapefruit isn't as effective but will work. You could grate some of the peel to release some of the odor if you like.

The citrus peels won't harm the cats, so don't worry about that.
Reply:Orange peel is the most effective deterrent, it works for me.
Reply:ok this is a long shot but the best method is to use lion poo which you can get from a zoo.
Reply:Have a water pistol (small not one of those high pressure 'blasters') ready and squirt them when you see them in your garden. Cats are creatures of habit and will quickly learn to avoid your garden.
Reply:crushed garlic over the soil.or get a dog
Reply:If you don't want their cats in your garden, then why is your cat ok...?
Reply:There are two good options. Cayenne pepper on the leaves or, the one I prefer, putting a few moth balls on the soil. Cats will avoid the moth balls. Keeps cats from eating house plants, too.
Reply:I agree with Orange peel..but also a small glass of vinegar works!

DONT under any circumstances buy a cat repellent noise thing. Us teenagers, and younger children can actually hear them.. one even made my friend sick it was so loud!

They are for older OAPs who cant hear very well, and want their lawn 'perfect' anyway.

Not too hard though. lol
Reply:I agree with kaiser67210. Everything else is unpleasant to all cats, including your own. At least with a powerful waterpistol you can be selective - and it improves your aim!
Reply:I would just go over and ask, "hey, do you mind watching your cat when hes out of keeping him in?"
Reply:Orange peel or spray lemon and water Cats don't like citrus smellz

good luck
Reply:Two words: Super Soaker!!!
Reply:buy a replica plastic dog from the market
Reply:Try twigs and lemon peel. Cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits, and it also prevents them from marking their territory as the citrus overpowers their marking smell so they go elsewhere.
Reply:sprinkle Cayenne pepper all over your gardens soil and when they go to sniff then the pepper smell will make them go away

the orange peel only works until it drys out then they will be back
Reply:cayenne pepper. garlic is bad for cats so i wouldnt reccomend it. one of the other answers was garlic.
Reply:i'm told clear bottles of water lying on the dirt will do it, i have no idea why but it keeps foxes, etc away too
Reply:Buy a worked for me...
Reply:you could buy a noise detector box, this gives off a noise only cats can hear and they dont like it, try it out
Reply:there is a spray that you can buy that is not harmful to the plants or the cat that you can buy at a good pet store. One brand we sell at my store is Boundry indoor and outdoor cat repellant.
Reply:catch them in the act and hiss at them and scare the hell out of them... don't harm them... you can even use a spray bottle and spray water at them...
Reply:maybe you could ask your neighbor to put his/her cat in a cage and tell her why maybe it will help.
Reply:I used to scoop it up and throw it over their fence, when they complained I threatened to train my dog to poo on their garden, they moved house shortly after - but it had nothing to so with my threat
Reply:Its what cats do, live with it. Dogs don't bury it! Be thankfull it isn't a dog. Or worse, dogs!!
Reply:Put just a little chili powder all around the cats wont go near it we had the same problem with cats in our neighboorhood.
Reply:I have found the best way is to keep a garden hose close at hand. As soon as any of the neighbours cats come into the garden give them a quick squirt! They will VERY soon avoid your garden altogether.

As far as your own cat is concerned. Dig up a small patch of ground especially for him with lovely soft earth. Keep it clear of cat poo as you would a litter tray. He will prefer this to the rest of the garden because it is soft and easy to dig.

shoe buckles

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