Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do I keep dogs from digging in my flower beds?

cayenne pepper sprinkeled around bushes. It's cheap and works.

How do I keep dogs from digging in my flower beds?
put an electric fence around your flower bed trust me its the only way to keep them away from your flower bed.
Reply:Electric fence around the flower bed - they make them for dogs/smaller animals. After a while, the dogs will fear any low wire and won't go near it.
Reply:Put some transparent plastic bottles full with water in your garden. At night these bottles shine in moonlight or in headlights and dogs Will be afraid of it
Reply:be the alpha
Reply:moth balls,,, dont cant stand the smell of them and it will stop dogs from even going near your flower beds
Reply:I found a really yucky way to keep one of my dogs from digging~~ I placed one (or more depending on the size of the hole) of her own piles of poop in the hole. Nasty surprise for her and she would not dig in that spot again. Tried the whole hot pepper routine ~ never worked, dog ate everything! Oh, and eventually the poop disintegrates!
Reply:Try this URL:

Hope it works for you...

Reply:Next year, before your flowers come up, lay down some chicken wire on the ground and stake it into the ground. The flowers will grow through the wire and the dog will not dig through it.

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